Aftercare is important!

What to do after a manicure, whether it be a natural style or a nail enhancement, to keep your nails healthy and polish lasting.

Nails fixing, touch-up are free of charge for services provided by our salon.

If there are any signs of lifting: CONTACT us right away. Water and bacteria can accumulate under lifted nails and cause an infection. Fixing your nails with super glue WILL cause infections, super glue is not formulated for use on nails or skin.

Wear rubber gloves when washing up to avoid contact with harsh detergents, soaps, bleach, and harsh chemicals which may dehydrate the nails and skin or cause lifting. Do the same when gardening or doing domestic chores to avoid accidental damage.

Avoid using the fingernails for tools (for instance, to praise lids off tins).

Use cuticle oil regularly: in addition to hydrating the cuticle itself, a good cuticle oil will strengthen and condition your nails, which can prevent them from chipping, breaking, or becoming brittle.

Avoid biting your fingernails, picking at your cuticles, or pulling off hangnails. These habits can damage the nail bed or the live tissue around it.

Maintain every 2-3 weeks.

How often should you get your nails done?

  • Gel Manicure: 14 days (up to 18 days)

  • SNS Dipping: 21 days (up to 25 days)

  • Acrylic Nails: 18 days (up to 21 days)

  • Liquid Gel: 21 days (up to 28 days)

We are proud to offer the best nail products we could find on the market. Even though your nails might look perfectly fine after four weeks, you run the risk of damaging your natural nails if you keep them on longer than the recommended time from the manufactures and the Board of Cosmetology. Without regular nails services, nails can be easily damaged by everyday activities. Dirt and bacteria can build up under your nails, which can lead to infection. As a result, it is recommended that we schedule regular manicures in order to maintain healthy and attractive nail.